Our Commitment to You

At PC Byte, we stand by the quality and value of every product we offer. Ensuring you receive premium products and service is at the core of our mission. To bolster this commitment, all our products come standard with a 1-Year Return to Base Warranty. Furthermore, several of our partnered brands offer extended manufacturer warranties, giving you added security in your investment.

Warranty Coverage Explained

Our warranty is designed to protect you against defects directly attributable to the manufacturing process.

What’s Covered: Defects that arise because of the way the product was made.

  • Example: If the RAM you purchase from us fails within its warranty period under normal usage conditions, this would be covered.

What’s Not Covered: Damage due to misuse, neglect, or normal wear and tear.

  • Example: If a USB port on a motherboard is forcibly damaged due to an incorrect insertion, this won't be covered.

Remote Assistance & Manufacturer Support:

We understand the inconvenience of returning products, so before you do, reach out to us:

Remote Diagnosis: Our team will attempt to diagnose and potentially resolve the issue remotely.

  • Example: Software or driver conflicts causing a peripheral device not to function properly.

Manufacturer Support: In some situations, the product manufacturer may provide more specialised assistance. They often have dedicated teams for their products.

  • Example: Firmware updates for SSDs,, which might improve performance or resolve known issues.

Product Return and Assessment Process

If a return is required, here’s our step-by-step process:

For Purchases Made In-Store:

  1. Return the product, ideally in its original packaging, to any PC Byte or Umart store.

  2. Provide proof of purchase, like a receipt or invoice.

  3. Our in-store technicians will guide you through the initial diagnostic process.

For Online or Delivered Purchases:

  1. Contact our customer service team with your order number.

  2. We will send you a return form to fill out and instructions on how to send the product back.

  3. We cover the return shipping costs for warranty-covered issues.

Bulky Items: For large items, like Gaming Chairs, we may discuss alternative return methods to ease the process.

Post-Return Process: Once received, the product will undergo a thorough assessment at our specialised repair centre. We will then repair, replace, or offer a credit based on the findings. We may need to refer your product through to the manufacturer or supplier for further assessment.

Handling of Refurbished Goods

Products may be replaced with a refurbished equivalent or repaired using refurbished parts.

All refurbished goods adhere to our quality standards and come with a warranty.

Manufacturer Direct Solutions

For a potentially faster resolution, engage directly with the product's manufacturer.

While this can be efficient, we're always here to support and assist with your warranty requirements if you'd rather deal with us.

Items with Physical Damage

Products showing signs of physical damage are not typically covered under warranty.

  • Example: Cracked laptop screens with signs consistent of being dropped or knocked.

They may require external assessment, and repair costs might be applicable.

Situations with No Fault Found

If a product is returned and no issue is detected, a service charge may apply to cover our logistics and assessment costs.

Before returning, please confirm with us or the manufacturer that a clear fault exists.

Data Loss
While we will do everything we can to minimise any impact to personal data, in some cases, this is unavoidable. Please ensure you have nessecary back ups of your data before returning your product.