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Case type
Micro Case
Dimension (H X W X D)
441 x 220 x 411 mm(17.36 x 8.66 x 16.18 inch)
Net weight
6.1 kg / 13.45 lbs.
Side panel
Tempered Glass x 1
Exterior & Interior: Black
Cooling system
Rear (exhaust) :120 x 120 x 25 mm fan(1000rpm, 16 dBA)
Drive bays-Accessible-Hidden
-2 x 2.5β (HDD Bracket); 2 x 3.5β or 2 x 2.5β (HDD Rack);
Expansion slots
6.7β x 6.7β (Mini ITX), 9.6β x 9.6β (Micro ATX),
I/O port
1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x HD Audio,
Standard PS2 PSU (optional)
Fan support
Front:3 x 120mm, 2 x 140mmTop:2 x 120mm, 2 x 140mm, 1 x 200mmRear:1 x 120mm
Radiator support
Front:1x 240mm, 1 x 280mmTop:1 x 240mm, 1x 280mmRear:1 x 120mm
CPU cooler height limitation: 165mmPSU length limitation: 160mmVGA length limitation: 330mm
*3 years warranty for the cases
*2 years warranty for fan(s) inside the case