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Case Form Factor
2U Rackmount
Motherboard Compatibility
mini ITX; micro ATX; Standard ATX; Extended ATX
Drive Bays
2 IOS x 2.5" Internal; 12x 3.5" HotSwap or 2.5"; 12x 3.5" HotSwap or 2.5"
Hot-Swap Backplane
12x SATA/SAS 12Gbps Hot-Swap Bays; 3x MiniSAS SFF-8643 Connectors, 3x Molex Power Connectors
Expansion Slots
Low Profile x7
4x 80mm High Speed PWM Hot Swap Fans
Power Supply Form Factor
2U Single
Front Panel
1x USB 2.0
Power and Reset
Power, LAN, and HDD LEDs