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1x HDMI Input
Audio Outputs
1x SPDIF (Optical), and 1 x 3.5mm Stereo Audio (Analog)
Video Output
1x HDMI output (HDMI pass-through)
HDMI resolution support
2160p @ 30Hz / 1080p @ 50/60 Hz / 1080i / 720p /1576i / 480p / 480i
Max Bandwidth
340 MHz
Max Baud Rate
10.2 Gbps
Input/Output TMDS signal
0.5~1.5Volts p-p (TTL)
Input/Output DDC signal
5Volts p-p (TTL)
Max working current
60 x 54 x 20mm (LxWxH)
Package Contents
1x HDMI Audio Extractor
1x 0.5M HDMI Lead
1x USB Power cable
1x 3.5mm to 2RCA(R/L) Adapter
1x USB Wall Charger
1x User Manual