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Aluminum, plastic, steel, tempered glass
SSI-EEB, SSI-CEB, Extended ATX, XL-ATX , ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX
Drive bay
3.5" x 4 (compatible with 2.5" x 4)
3.5" x 4
2.5" x 3
Cooling system
120mm x 2 / 140mm x 2
120mm x 4 / 140mm x 1
180mm x 3 (180mm x 3 Air Penetrator 184i PRO fans included)
Radiator support
120mm / 140mm / 240mm / 280mm
120mm / 140mm / 240mm / 360mm / 480mm
120mm / 140mm / 240mm / 280mm / 360mm (120mm x 3) / 360mm (180mm x 2) / 420mm / 480mm / 540mm / 560mm
Limitation of CPU cooler
Expansion slot
Limitation of expansion card
Length (vertical): 354mm
Length (horizontal): 604mm (with front hard drive cages removed)
Width: 209mm
Power supply
Standard PS2 (ATX) + Standard PS2 (ATX) under 1200W (Occupies the rear 4+4 expansion slots)
Limitation of PSU
Front I/O port
USB Type-C x 1
USB 3.0 x 4
Combo audio x 1
261mm (W) x 576mm (H) x 658mm (D), 99 Liters
10.28β (W) x 22.68β (H) x 25.91β (D), 99 Liters
Net weight
21.14 kg