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Height: 186.7 mm
Width: 447.2 mm
Depth: 21.4 mm
Weight: 603 g
Height: 105.4 mm
Width: 67.9 mm
Depth: 38.4 mm
Weight: 86.4 g
Nano receiver
Height: 18.7 mm
Width: 23.1 mm
Depth: 6.6 mm
Weight: 2.0 g
Spill-resistant design
Adjustable height -tilt legs
Special Keys: Music Controls
Palm Rest
10-Key Number pad
Key type: Deep profile
On/Off power switch
2 AAA batteries(Alkaline Battery)
Battery: 36 months
Sensor Technology: High-precision Optical tracking
Number of Buttons: 3 (Left/Right-click, Middle click)
Scrolling: line-by-line
Scroll Wheel: Yes, 2D , mechanical
Connect/Power: On/Off power button
1 AA battery(Alkaline Battery)
Battery: 18 months
Customization app
Supported by Logi Options+ on Windows and macOS
Wireless range (in meters)
10 m