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Power supply
9-30V DC ±10%
2 potential-free inputs1 digital input 1-wire
2 potential-free outputs
Maximum current carrying capacity of outputs
Maximum voltage at output contacts
36V DC / 24V AC ±5%
Measurement range
-55°C – +126°C
Operational temperature
Supported temperature sensors
up to 4 DS18B20 sensors
In accordance with EU standards
RoHS 2011/65/EU EMC 2004/108/EC R&TTE 1999/5/EC
Radio protocol
Radio signal power
up to 1mW
Radio frequency
868.4 MHz EU;908.4 MHz US;921.4 MHz ANZ;869.0 MHz RU;865.2 MHz IN;
Radio transmit power
up to -1 dBm (EIRP)
up to 50 m outdoorsup to 30 m indoors(depending on building materials)
Dimensions: (L x W x H))
27.3 x 14.5 x 12 mm