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Battery type
ER14250 AA 3.6V
Battery life
est. 2 years (with default settings and max. 10 pushes per day)
Operating temperature
0 – 40°C (32 – 104°F)
EU standards compliance
RED 2014/53/EU RoHS 2011/65/EU
Radio protocol
Z-Wave (500 series chip)
Radio frequency
868.4 or 869.8 MHz EU;908.4, 908.42 or 916.0 MHz US;921.4 or 919.8 MHz ANZ;869.0 MHz RU;
Radio transmit power
up to 1 dBm (EIRP)
up to 50m (164 ft) outdoorsup to 40m (131 ft) indoors(Depending on terrain and building structure)
Dimensions(diameter x height)
46 x 34 mm(1.81″ x 1.34″)