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Transducer Type
Operating principle
Sound coupling to the ear
Frequency Response
5 – 40.000 Hz
Nominal impedance
30 ohms
Nominal sound pressure level @1 mW / 500 Hz
95 dB SPL
Nominal sound pressure level @1 V / 500 Hz
110 dB SPL
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) @500 Hz
< 0,04%
Short term maximum input power
100 mW
Ambient noise attenuation
25 dB A
Clamping force
6 ±0,5 N
Weight (without cable)
377 g
Scope of delivery
Closed-back headphones DT 1770 PRO MKII
Two sets of ear pads: velours and leatherette
3m straight cable & 5m coiled cable with 3-pin mini XLR connector
Premium hardcase