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Motherboard compatibility
Case type
PS2 ATX (not included)
Dimensions (L x W x H in mm)
550 x 247 x 522
Steel (SGCC), ABS
Weight (kg)
11.8 (net) / 13.2 (gross)
I/O port
1x USB 3.2 Gen. 2 Type C
2 x USB 3.2
HD Audio (mic + audio)
LED Control
PCI slots
Drive bays
Up to 8x 2.5 (4 included)
Up to 4x 3.5 (2 included)
Preinstalled fans (mm) / (rpm)
Front: 1x Pure Wings 3 PWM 140 / 1200
Top: 1x Pure Wings 3 PWM 140 / 1200
Rear: 1x Pure Wings 3 PWM 140 / 1200
Maximum fans (mm)
Front: 3x 140 / 120
Top: 3x 140 / 120
Bottom: 1x 140 / 120
Rear: 1x 140 / 120
Optional radiators (mm)
Front: 120 / 140 / 240 / 280 / 360 / 420
Top: 120 / 140 / 240 / 280 / 360 / 420
Rear: 120
Maximum dimensions (mm)
CPU cooler: up to 180
PSU: up to 250
GPU: 430
ARGB Connector
Package Contents
Shadow Base 800 DX E-ATX Case
Screw Set
3 x Pure Wings 3 140mm PWM fans
4 x Velcro Cable Ties