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Aten HDMI USB KVM Console Station
A standalone Java-free console that replaces PC or NB, enabling users to remotely access and control ATEN’s KVM over IP switches*
Impenetrable security against virus threats and impervious data protection
Single sign-on to consolidate the management of multiple ATEN’s KVM over IP switches
Advanced FPGA graphics processor – with a Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1200
1 HDMI video output
Panel Array Mode™ – allows administrators to monitor the video output of up to 64 servers on one screen simultaneously
Supports Boundless Switching – allows users to control up to 3 screens between two console stations by using one set of keyboard & mouse
Supports Virtual Media
Supports USB Smartcard
Wall Mountable – standard mounting kit included
Space-saving 0U rack mount design for rear rack mounting
GUI with multi-language interface